
happy friday

Something bringing me joy new fabric arrived from repeat studio, and my second cup of tea for the day, to be savoured while the little storm is sleeping.

Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim has a great suggestion today of posting a quick little snap of something that brings a smile to your dial this Friday, and link it over there.
I also just bought (hot off the e-press), Chantelle's new e-book on "Let's Give Them Something to Blog About".  I'm sure it's going to be a great read; also look at her 10 tips for bloggers (that's free).

I was a bit overwhelmed and happy, at the amount of comments that were left yesterday, so thanks to everyone who stopped by, I always love getting them - who doesn't?

Can't wait for this afternoon, I'm going to the library to pick up some holds, and maybe, just maybe this weekend do some sewing...I have had grand intentions of doing 2 hours per day when numero uno went back to school, but have done zilch.

Have a great weekend everyone...see you on Monday.
and remember...

' a smile confuses an approaching frown'
author unknown


  1. there is nothing better than having a cuppa while certain little creatures are asleep, if only it happened every day! love the tea pot.

  2. Ooooooooooooooooohhh i love that fabric I ma off to investigate right now!

  3. That is a ery cheering picture - I saw it as I drank my morning coffee, which has a similar effect! Thanks for that excellent link. I think you're doing everything she says there anyway!

  4. Gorgeous fabric!

    What I did today: bought a little something for my Happy Mail Exchange recipient... guess who?? te he ;)

  5. Ohhh I love the beautiful garden in your new banner! Is it your garden? It's wonderful!!

  6. Thanks for the mention. xx

    I love the idea of a cup of tea... and might go and get myself one now.

    Happy weekend to you. xx

  7. Hi again! Don't feel at all guilty for not joining in my Lent thing - it's no use at all doing these things if they don't feel right at the time.

    Love the photo in the banner, too.


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