
oh beehave!

We went for a walk the other day, and happened upon this amazing buzzing cluster of bees.  They didn't settle there for long, we went past the next day and they were gone.   Aren't bees fascinating?...it's amazing to think there are over 1500 species of native bees in Australia alone.  I got quite close when I took one photo, they were too busy to perceive me as a threat thankfully!



  1. It looks like an enormous strawberry. It's so big!! I wouldn't be waiting around to take photos I can assure you.

  2. haha...a strawBEEry...
    It was rather big, and don't worry I didn't hang around for long!!

  3. What an incredible photo! Likely a once in a lifetime shot! But....glad it was you and not me!

  4. As terrified (and allergic) as I am of bees.. I love the photos and your blog!!!

  5. I love a good photo opportunity but that one I would have gladly skipped! :) nice.

  6. Amazing! The boys know where there is a wild bees' nest, high in tree near where we walk the dog. They showed it to us after they'd been on a nature walk in the area, but it's nothing as impressive as your swarm...

  7. I used to work at capilano honey...Bees are amazing...Hard workers, thats for sure.


  8. Gosh that is amazing! I have never seen anything like that before! We have a bees nest in a hollow in atree at the bottom of the field but it is small fry in comparison!

    Sarah x


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